Research: smartphone shipments in India fell 4% YoY to ~150M in 2020 and H2 2020 saw 100M+ shipments; among the top 5 brands, realme grew the most at 22% YoY (Prachir Singh/Counterpoint Research)

Research: smartphone shipments in India fell 4% YoY to ~150M in 2020 and H2 2020 saw 100M+ shipments; among the top 5 brands, realme grew the most at 22% YoY (Prachir Singh/Counterpoint Research) Research: smartphone shipments in India fell 4% YoY to ~150M in 2020 and H2 2020 saw 100M+ shipments; among the top 5 brands, realme grew the most at 22% YoY (Prachir Singh/Counterpoint Research) Reviewed by Contributer on January 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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