Streamers organize #ADayOffTwitch walkout to bring awareness to the recent increase of "hate raids", and say Twitch isn't taking the issue seriously enough (Ash Parrish/The Verge)
Ash Parrish / The Verge:
Streamers organize #ADayOffTwitch walkout to bring awareness to the recent increase of “hate raids”, and say Twitch isn't taking the issue seriously enough — On Wednesday, September 1st, a number of channels on Twitch will go dark as streamers participate in #ADayOffTwitch …
from Techmeme
Streamers organize #ADayOffTwitch walkout to bring awareness to the recent increase of "hate raids", and say Twitch isn't taking the issue seriously enough (Ash Parrish/The Verge)
Reviewed by Contributer
August 31, 2021
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